
Song 443 – Secret of Cedar Point Mountain

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Song 443 Secret of Cedar Point Mountain

Top recording with phone, next female voice, bottom AI original recording

Download Guitar Chords: Secret of Cedar Point Mountain

Our son Robert Llewellyn Nelson submitted key words to an AI song writing company, Suno, and generated this Song on 01 April 2024. The words, music, and recording came from AI (Artificial Intelligence). The image comes from the AI post. The chords for the pdf file are my attempt to reverse engineer the AI. Isn’t exactly right, and it works for me. With this new AI music generation technology, it only seems logical to add an AI generated song to this site.

The lyrics:

[Verse 1]
H. Roice Nelson, a man with a plan
Hidden deep in his heart, like a flickering flame
He wandered the valleys, scaled the highest peak
With fingers on his guitar, secrets, he would speak

[Verse 2]
Cedar Point Mountain, a place unknown
Whispered tales of magic, in winds that blow
With each fingerpicking note, a story would unfold
The secret of the mountain, H. Roice Nelson holds

[Verse 3]
In the still of the night, under a moonlit sky
H. Roice Nelson strums, his melody to comply
The cedar trees sway, as ancient secrets awaken
They dance to the rhythm, their silence, he’s taken

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