As mentioned in the previous song introduction, Andrea and I went to Bulverde, Texas (just north of San Antonio) for the Tenth Annual Nelson Grandkid’s Summer Science Camp the summer of 2019. While there I wrote songs for Kendall and her sister Avalyn. This is Kendall”s song. It describes how she painted the tips of her hair purple. It can not describe her deep voice parady. It can not describe how she can put her feet around her head while on her tummy. It can not describe her smile and her enthusiasm and interest in Science Camp. It can not describe how much I love her and her brother and sisters.
A goal is for this site to be interactive, for others to record their versions of the Psalms, or provide images or videos which explain a Psalm better. E-mail images, audio, or video to By making a submission you agree to release copyright and to allow W3D to publish your submission, acknowledging posting of your submission is entirely up to W3D.