This song was not used as music for a psalm. The photo to the left, and it’s extension, were taken by my friend Joe Klutts, in his backyard in Lafayette, Louisiana. Joe is in his 90’s, and was the second President of Petsec Energy in Lafayette. He found a lot of oil & gas in his career. Joe is a jewel of a man. He was one of the first to recognize the value of our lightning analysis. He put money into Dynamic as a shareholder, in exchange for a lightning analysis across one of his prospects. The photo to the left is a portion of his 2016 Christmas Card, where the entire fox family is shown in the expanded photo.
I wrote this song a little over a year after getting home from my mission to England, and about 4 months after Marti and I got married. I think Marti and I had had our first fight by then, and I had gone off into the mountains to think. I recall a voice, or at least a very strong feeling outside of myself, telling me to get back home and to take care of my new wife. So I did. Maybe the rocky way was this hike in the hills to the east of the “U” (University of Utah). I have never had anything to do with a fox, and so I’m not sure why I picked this animal. I know Grandma Nelson always had chickens when I was growing up. She collected the eggs, and so maybe this is where these words came from. I remember being with Uncle Glenn Hafen at Calf Springs Ranch once, when we found a badger in one of the big metal traps used to keep animals out of the orchard. Beautiful animal, and it was hard for me to watch it get shot. So maybe I thought it was a better solution to take the trapped animal to the zoo. The song is not very good. Attempting to unravel the paths my mind was going down 45, or even 30 years later (when the notes say the song was finished), is sketchy, at best.
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