This song was written in March 2019. I’m not sure what was going on to lead to the words. Whatever was happening is documented on my swallow sheets. Maybe someday everything will be indexed and it will be easier to answer the question: “What was going on in my life at this time?”
The questions are very personal:
Maybe I’ll learn to follow Jesus
And be satisfied being loved
Maybe I’ll learn to follow Jesus
And be satisfied with gospel truths
Maybe I’ll learn to follow Jesus
And find love by loving
Maybe I’ll learn to follow Jesus
And find joy, happiness, and rest.
Maybe these are just questions we each need to ask ourselves.
A goal is for this site to be interactive, for others to record their versions of the Psalms, or provide images or videos which explain a Psalm better. E-mail images, audio, or video to By making a submission you agree to release copyright and to allow W3D to publish your submission, acknowledging posting of your submission is entirely up to W3D.