This song was used as the music for Psalm 42, and is linked to in the text describing Song 033, Camp Liendo. Andrea had gone some place on the Saturday I wrote this song. It was obviously a sunny day in the spring, with birds singing, flowers blooming, and the water filter and spa overflowing into the swimming pool. Sunlight showed the contours on the bottom of the pool, while the neighbor’s dog barked at the birds in the trees. As the sun went down, with what I imagine was a beautiful Texas sunset over our beautiful yard, I recall often thinking my ancestors would have thought this was the Celestial Kingdom. I finished writing out the words of this song by thanking Andrea for entering my life. I’ve never been very good with words, which is one of the reason I have put so much effort into my Songs and Psalms is to exercise the linguistic part of my brain, with the hope of becoming better at saying what is in my heart.
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