Song 353 – New Wood Floors

By July 11, 2018Songs

This song is referenced by Song 117 – Andrea and Song 149 – Living Dreams and provided the music for both Song 354 – O That I Were an Angel v2 and Song 358 – Psalm of Nephi. I like this song, even though it mixes metaphors, like I did in Song 012 – A Lullaby, where I wrote “Your lips so tender and so small, Will see much before you grow to tall.” I like a wholistic approach to life, and think we sense things beside with or across the standard senses of sight (eyes), sound (ears), touch (skin), smell (nose), and taste (tongue). At the same time I have had others tell me it really grates them and just sounds wrong to say lips will see much. Oh well! Do new wood floors see? They don’t have eyes. And yet the wood fibers will be modified by “Grandkids running ‘round the house,” and the movements of “an older spouse.” We bought a guitar for Utah and I had my Martin guitar in the Barker Reservoir apartment (see Song 351 – Enjoy the View). Do guitars hear? They don’t have ears. And yet, again the wood fibers align with the vibrations, uniquely absorbing songs over the years, like the Mormon Tabernacle at Temple Square in Salt Lake. Do beds feel? They don’t have skin. And yet, every time we climb into bed, whether to sleep or for a nap, it impacts the fabric of the bed. Do kitchen’s smell? They don’t have noses. And yet the odors permeate the wood and paint and fibers of the kitchen. Do tables taste? They don’t have tongues. And yet every spill from every different kind of food leaves an impression on the new kitchen table. Do bookshelves talk? They don’t have mouths. And yet the wonderful concepts contained within the pages of the books on the new bookshelves provide the basis for creating new worlds, which is what I believe life is preparing us to do. We first started modifying and half-way moved into 2155 W 700 S #31 the summer of 2013, just before this song was written. I was 63. I figured we would be privileged if the condo was able to experience all of these sights, sounds, feels, smells, tastes, and sayings from our interactions for 25 years, which would make me 88 years old. As I write this it is hard to believe we are already 20% of the way to this goal. Life goes faster and faster the older we get.

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