Song 003 – Alone

By December 13, 2017Songs

This song was used as the music for Psalm 94. The photograph is a self-portrait in two reflecting mirrors. As stated in Song 001, the divorce was not fun. It was not fun to be alone. It was easy to become depressed and to feel sorry for myself. I do not think verse 9 was written when the first 8 verses were written. Years after writing the initial words to this song, I specified verse 1 was about Marti, 2 Roice, 3 Ben, 4 Paul, 5 Melanie, 6 Sara, 7 Rob, 8 me, and 9 Andrea. Music has always been a comfort to me, and this comfort was captured with the words in verse 8: “Alone I touch my guitar strings, As they help me learn what to own.” Like all challenges in life, there were good things which followed the tragedy of divorce. I put the entire book of Job to music. I expect many of the songs I wrote came as a result of having more time on my own, reflecting more, and in general attempting to recover from the divorce. “Alone I know beyond times hard, Are times easy and times sunny.” And, of course, knowing in my heart “I will never truly be alone” because my God and my Savior and The Holy Ghost are with me and answer my prayers.

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